Intermediate courses are the first level of rider training after obtaining your motorcycle license, buying a motorcycle and then practicing/riding on your own for a while. You may ride your own motorcycle or ours for all intermediate courses. Seat Time ($170) This just might be the most valuable two and a half hours you will spend for a long time. The Seat Time course is just that - “Seat Time.” You’re on a motorcycle - yours or ours. You are under the watchful eye of professionals. You rediscover the basics and add to them. You challenge yourself to try new techniques and improve on the skills you already have. Seat Time is the perfect tune-up. Intermediate Rider Course ($245) This course is for licensed riders who already have novice (basic) riding skills and have ridden 500 to 1,000 miles since licensing. This four-hour course is designed to challenge riders in slow manuevers that will translate to street riding. It is also an excellent annual refresher course for practicing and renewing riding skills. There is an informal classroom component during and between riding exercises to introduce and reinforce the addressed skills. Individual Intermediate Course ($245) This course is a two hour one-on-one private lesson. The curriculum is created just for you so we can work on just what you want. This is intended for licensed riders who still need some work on the basics, but have enough riding experience to perform some of the basic motorcycle maneuvers somewhat proficiently. If you’re are interested in the Individual Intermediate Course give a call to discuss your options at 703.491.9102 or leave us a message on the Contact Us page.